Money. The term we are all chasing since the beginning of the trade, whether to…
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Meditation: your first dive into a blissful state
If you ever feel you are often bombarded by stress and anxiety and tried any…
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Shopping for good alcohol: the price and the place
Even if you prefer not to drink alcohol yourself, it is quite possible there are…
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The money magnet exercise
As the evolution is taking place and the ever growing society is on full demand,…
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Ethereal channeling to power up you day
One of the variety of great things about a human body lies within each of…
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Crucial things to keep in mind while shopping for alcohol: the bottle appearance
Christmas time and New Year’s Eve are coming, so the majority of people are planning…
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Why do you want eat sweet food?
You will hardly meet a person who has never experienced cravings for a sweet treat.…
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Check the symptoms of developing an addiction to alcohol
Unfortunately, it is rather easy to miss the early outset of alcohol addiction which can…
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How is intuitive eating work for individuals and the planet?
If you have already heard about intuitive eating, in all likelihood it was about the…
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